02 November 2011

translating 'I'

                         I asked you to remember
if 'I' were sound
more intricate than a rainbow
how do ‘I’ know ‘you’
with language so delicate?

and though a child’s voice
may fade,
                        why does height
                        no longer tell age?
these words written
in chalk,
                        when did you zip 
                        before button pants?
remain in you&i
on that sidewalk
where the tree’s roots
well up on the walk home
                        How did I grow into you?

05 January 2011

Zebra print on black with red pants, polka dot-lined jacket

Hurrying to obtain the energy for sleep
all too often we fail
in slowing ourselves.

Savor the richness of relaxed observation;
allow for a hug
to embrace those things
time hasn't the courage to share.